In addition to apparent color, there are differences between red bricks and yellow ones.

1 - Yellow bricks are produce using clay, but the raw material for the red brick is Shale, which includes iron oxide, so it is not necessary to use coloring additives to the raw material, consequently there is stability of color


In addition to apparent color, there are differences between red bricks and yellow ones.

1 - Yellow bricks are produce using clay, but the raw material for the red brick is Shale, which includes iron oxide, so it is not necessary to use coloring additives to the raw material, consequently there is stability of color




1 - Yellow bricks are produce using clay, but the raw material for the red brick is Shale, which includes iron oxide, so it is not necessary to use coloring additives to the raw material, consequently there is stability of color

2- Water absorption of the red bricks is less than yellow one, so it is suitable for cold region, which resist the freezing cycles in winter. Also due to the less open porosity, the surface remains clean in the polluted areas

3- Abrasion and salt attack resistance of the red brick, which is necessary for the paving of the public areas-(pedestrian) is much higher than the yellow brick

4-Higher compressive strength of the red brick

 Due to the above mentioned advantages, the red bricks are more used in European countries, America, China and Middle Asia Countries.



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